Saturday, October 5, 2013

What colors look best on your skin's undertone

Learn what jewelry colors look best with your skin's undertone!Learning whether you are a cool or a warm can help you learn what colors look best on you!  

veins in wrist can tell you your skins undertoneWe all know that some colors look better on us then others.  Do you know which ones?

There is a simple 'test' you can take to figure out your skin's undertone.  Look at the veins in your forearms while in the sunlight.  If your veins are blue or purple, you have cool undertones.  If your veins are yellow or olive green, you have warm undertones.  If your veins are both blue and green, you have neutral undertones.

Now that you know which undertone your skin has, below is a list of colors that look best with each type!

paparazzi jewelryCOOL UNDERTONES
Those with cool undertones look best in richer colors from the "cool" side of the color wheel.  Blues, purples, greens and gray are most flattering.

paparazzi jewelry
Those with warm undertones look best in earthier colors.  Reds, oranges, yellows and browns are most complimentary.

paparazzi jewelry
Thankfully black doesn't have a preference for undertones.  All skin types look GREAT in black!  If you have neutral undertones, count yourself as super blessed and enjoy every color of the rainbow!

paparazzi jewelry

But of course.... rules were meant to be broken!

No matter your skin tone, if you find a jewelry piece you love, then by all means, wear it with pride!  That's one of the amazing joys of Paparazzi.  For only $5, you can have fun, try new things and see what really makes you feel beYOUtiful!

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